Uncontested Divorce Papers Prepared Quickly And Accurately.
We examine all uncontested divorce papers and divorce documents assess every case to make sure that everything is correct and will be successfully accepted by the court.
We provide a cost-effective solution for attorneys who want to save time and money preparing divorce forms.
Our basic fee is $149 to prepare a complete divorce package without kids, and $249 to prepare a complete divorce package with kids. You or the client will fill out our easy intake forms and we then send you the divorce documents. It is that easy!
FOR SELF-REPRESENTED PEOPLE: If you want to do your own divorce but need help preparing the divorce papers, our NY divorce paralegal services can help by preparing all the forms and agreements you need to get divorced in New York. Our fees to help self-represented people start at $599. We type everything and provide you basic instructions about how to file your case.
If you are a large firm and you are looking to reduce costs by outsourcing some of your work, we can help. Using us helps your firm by reducing payroll and payroll taxes, and we help your firm eliminate staffing issues like vacation and attendance.
On average, we prepare 100 divorce packages for our clients every month. We have prepared thousands of New York divorce packages in the past fifteen years. We have all the latest forms from the New York Supreme Court's website. Our agreements were prepared by attorneys and have been constantly improved over time by utilizing feedback from our attorney clients and feedback from the courts. Our forms are customized for each case to provide the best chance for success in court the first time. If you need help with defective papers or insufficient papers or any other type of bounce or rejection from the court, we can help. We can review your file and provide the remedial paperwork necessary to get your case done. We provide full NY divorce paralegal and NY matrimonial paralegal services.
Step #1:
Fill out our easy intake forms and send them to us by email or fax.
Step #2:
We'll prepare the first set of divorce documents and email them to you.
Step #3:
After the first set of divorce forms are signed and filed, answer a few simple questions by email and we email you the final set of NY divorce documents.
We begin by providing our clients with customized intake forms which collect all the information we need to prepare all the New York divorce documents and forms needed to get a divorce in NY. We also have a PDF fillable intake workbook. Our intake forms are easy to use, easy to understand, and can be filled out quickly by an attorney, by a legal assistant, or by the client. Once we receive the intake forms, we carefully proofread them and we quickly let you know if we have any questions or comments. If the intakes are complete we begin typing the documents as soon as possible.
Once we have verified that the intake forms are complete, we prepare the first set of New York divorce documents. This set includes an easy to read Proof Sheet, a Summons with Notice (Form UD-1), Affidavit of Defendant (Form UD-7), Affidavit of Service (Form UD-3), and a Stipulation of Settlement (if the parties have marital property, marital debts, and or children). We can also prepare a Summons & Verified Complaint if you prefer. Also, due to the new maintenance law, we are also preparing and sending the following documents with our first set: Annual Income Worksheet Form UD-8(1), Maintenance Guidelines Worksheet Form UD-8(2), and Child Support Worksheet Form UD-8(3).
Once the aforementioned NY divorce documents and forms are properly signed, notarized, and filed, we prepare the final set of New York divorce documents. The final set of documents includes all of the following documents: UD-2 Verified Complaint, UD-4 Removal of Barriers, UD-5 Affidavit of Regularity, UD-6 Affidavit of Plaintiff, UD-9 Note of Issue, UD-10 Findings of Fact, UD-11 Judgment of Divorce, UD-12 Part 130 Certification, UD-13 RJI, UD-14 Notice of Entry, Certificate of Dissolution, Notice of Settlement, UD-8a SCU Information Sheet, RJI Addendum (UCS-840M), NYS Case Registry Filing Form, UCS-111 CS Summary Form, and other County specific forms as required.
We are available Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM to make any changes or corrections to any of the New York divorce forms we send you. We are available by phone, email, and text message. We can usually make any simple corrections or changes you need immediately and email them to you in a few seconds. More complex changes can take longer.
We have the experience to know what will work, and we have the experience to let you know what might not work. We are experts in preparing NY divorce papers. We have examined and repaired hundreds of defective papers notices from the Supreme Court. We are the foremost non-attorney experts in New York divorce typing and processing.
We will have any documents you need prepared and emailed to you within 48 hours. We can have your first set of divorce forms and documents ready in two hours or less for a small rush fee. We can have your final set of divorce papers and forms ready in two hours or less for a small rush fee.
Our utmost goal is to provide you with an outstanding customer service experience as quickly as possible. Our service is tailored to exceed all of your expectations.
Call: (347) 201-1966
Email: info@PacificTyping.com
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